Are You Spending more time

Snuggling Your Phone

Than Your husband?

get the f'ing Fun Back!

Get the Relationship

You want and DESERVE

with less time and less drama

than a season Of Selling Sunset!

Stop settling for

bored and disconnected.

This is for couples ready to stop pretending they're fine and ready to actually make the changes needed

to have what they want.

Get ready to have the coach of your dreams kicking both your tails into the relationship you actually want.

No bullshit. No games. No wasted time.

It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

You have the beautiful kids, great jobs, the dog . . . but

what happened to the romance?

What happened to the couple you dreamed of being?

Laughing, cuddling, each other's favorite company?

Let's ditch the lonely, ditch the boredom, and ditch the 'f*ck-its' that have taken hold in your relationship.

The roommate thing is getting old.

Tiktok is funny and all, but you want your husband to make you laugh again

your house runs ok, but you both feel pissy about how it gets done.

You feel more like co-workers than lovers and it's just

not cutting it.

You are too young to spend more time in bed with your phone than each other.

you love each other and feel bad complaining, but it's not enough.

What happened to the

deep connection and fun we used to have?

More is ALWAYS possible.

(if you are willing to do things differently...)

You will blaze a new path together, using your love and commitment as the foundation for the joy and connection missing.

The Fire It Up Marriage Accelerator will reignite your relationship in moments a day.

What You Will Have At the End of The Fire It Up Marriage Accelerator

  • You have the relationship you have always wanted.

  • You will be connected, in love, energized, and committed.

  • You will have the skills to get through any challenge.

  • You will wake up the sparkly, passionate, loving relationship you are missing.

  • You will create the deep, committed, loving partnership you always wanted.

  • You will create a shared path forward with health in every area of your relationship.

All with the same time commitment as a show on Netflix.


The Fire It Up Marriage Accelerator

will take your relationship from Roommates to Romance!

In this landmark program,

  • You will learn how the differences between you is the recipe to your greatest strengths as a couple and how to use them to power your revival.

  • You will understand the science behind the connection you crave and the 5-minute change you can make today to reignite your relationship.

  • You will learn how to support each other fully and feel fully supported all within the most vibrant and exciting relationship.


  • You will uncover the resources you already have that have been buried underneath your daily routines, and put to sleep by the daily grind.


  • All this without spending hours in therapy, the awkward date nights or massive change to your life.

  • And without giving up your free time, your hobbies, or your needs!

Are you ready to have the relationship you deserve?

Enroll Now for the Fire It Up Marriage Accelerator!

Immediate access to this comprehensive portal

with all the support you need.

Watch each lesson on your own

and then get live coaching each week!


Each week, a new kick-ass lesson and exercise

will bring you closer and create the relationship you are longing for.


(Lessons 1-3)

In this first part, we lay the groundwork for your healthy relationship. As a couple, you will create the goals and desires to head you in the direction you want.

This is the basis for all of our work and helps you become clear about the purpose and needs of yourselves and your relationship.


At the end of this first module, you will feel clear, determined, and united about your relationship.

You will feel excited and determined for your future together.


(Lessons 4-6)

We will make sure there is room and support for each of you to become your healthiest selves to provide the space, distance, and mystery needed for a spark-filled life together.

A deeper understanding of each other and how to accept each other fully will promise the growth you each crave.


At the end of this unit, you will fully accept and make room for yourselves and each other.

You will confidently know and feel known so you can each become the best version of yourselves


(Lessons 7-9)

We will build all the things your relationship needs to continue growing stronger and healthier in the good times and challenging times ahead. 

Healthy communication, mutuality, fairness, and security will be strengthened to insure the health of your marriage.


At the end of this unit, you will have all the tools you need to continually create and maintain a healthy relationship.

You will know how to take care of each other and the relationship so it feeds the rest of your lives.



(Lessons 10-12)

 We will ignite the spark to liven the romance, passion, and fun needed to feed the relationship’s joy.


You will rediscover each other’s humor, adventure, and fun that has been missing. Fire It Up! will teach, inspire and energize you in all the ways to create the passion needed for a vibrant, rich relationship.


Confidently know how to keep the interest, fun, and passion

Create activities you can do every week to bring fun, play and enjoyment back into your relationship.

So What happens in fire it up?

12 Self Guided Lessons, Exercises & Weekly Live Group Coaching


In each class I will teach you the easy, straightforward ways to connect, communicate and collaborate to build a healthy relationship.

More experience then learning, each class will be fun, energizing and connecting.

You will leave each class feeling closer, stronger and happier.

*Watch at your convenience


Following each class, you have worksheets and guided exercises to continue the learning and connection.

These are yours to keep and use FOREVER.

Designed for your hectic life, each will take no more than 5-10 minutes per day. Optional bonus exercises for each lesson will allow you to deepen your learning at your own pace.


No more feeling like you are the only one with problems.

Here you will have a community of couples, all honest and supportive of the difficulties and joys of having a REAL relationship*.

I will host weekly lives exclusively for this group to answer questions and troubleshoot challenges.

*replays available

Meet Your Relationship Resuscitator

I know heartbreak and have a lot of personal experience in unhealthy, non reciprocal, no-fun relationships and know how to cut through the BS to create goodness.

I'm a mom of 4 amazing kids, having joined up with my husband who brought his three to my one. We are a mix of science nerds, athletes, and artists, so things are always chaotic and crazy at my house. I know busy and overwhelmed and have learned how to make the tiny moments count in my relationship…and I know what happens when I don’t. 

I know why we need healthy relationships to be healthy individuals and why we need to be healthy individuals to…you know the rest.

You cannot have one without the other and I am living proof that you do not have to sacrifice yourself or your hobbies to be in a vibrant, loving relationship. 

I am direct, playful and a world class curser. I call myself the Roy Kent of couples work because of my no bullshit approach to my work. I am passionate about helping couples and making people laugh. This combination is a powerful combination of fun and hard work for the couples who coach with me.

My 25+years as a therapist, professor and clinical director gave me the experience, advanced training, and expertise in the development, attachment, and neuroscience behind all healthy relationships. I have integrated all of the best materials to create this landmark program.

My 53 years as a smart ass is the icing on top.

"What an incredible investment in us!" P & S

You've been thinking about doing something for a while, but you haven't moved forward because . . .

You are scared you will learn it isn't possible!

Your relationship can be deeper and more fulfilling as long as both of you want it to be! As long as you are willing to shift your mindset on your relationship and do a bit of work, you can have the relationship of your dreams! 

You worry how to do another thing on top of the jobs and the house and the kids (two-legged OR four-legged!)

The truth is, it will take work, as anything worth doing does! But a struggling relationship takes up a LOT of energy. Putting that energy into your relationship is just moving the time around. You can put energy here if it is important to you.

You're uncomfortable sharing in a group like this . . . won't that be weird?

You watch each lesson at your own house and practice in privacy. But on the weekly group coaching sessions, most people find comfort in the space created in this group. Hearing from others who struggle in the same way brings relief and humor to the everyday pains of being in a lifetime commitment. You can even join anonymously if you need and keep your camera off.

I know these worries because:

  • I coach couples with the same worries! I have 28 years experience as a couples therapist.

  • I am in a successful relationship. I've experienced the heartbreak of not working on a marriage and having it end and am determined to create joy with my husband.

  • I also know the joy of finding and building a successful, happy, joy-filled relationship.

  • We have created a vibrant relationship with 4 kids, 2 dogs, too many cats, 5 jobs, 2 businesses, an active social life. . .I can teach you the ways to balance all of this.

I built this program for you because I need this!

Having both survived divorce, my husband and I are committed to keeping our relationship strong; this program helps us do it! With 4 kids, 10 animals, and 5 jobs combined, we have a lot on our plate and need the support to keep our relationship vital and healthy!

Let's Start Building Your Dream Relationship!

Join the Fire It Up Marriage Accelerator

In each class, I teach you the easy, straightforward system to connect, communicate and collaborate. More experience than learning, each class will be fun, energizing, and connecting. You will leave each class feeling closer, stronger, and happier.


What is included:

  • 12 Training Modules of Recorded Class Time To Take At Your Own Pace

  • Guided ExercisesWorksheets and Manual

  • 1 Support Group

  • Weekly Zoom Q & A sessions: Attend Live As Often As You Want

  • 6 Months of Continued Support and Accountability

  • Onboarding session to help you

  • Many Bonuses to Deepen Your Learning

Are you ready to give your relationship the time it deserves?

Carolyn is so talented and so fun! The exercises, the worksheets, the group time and the time just working together was perfect. What an incredible investment in us!


What is the investment?

  • 12 lessons to watch as many times as you need:

    Value: $1200

  • Weekly coaching, live or replay for six months.

    Value: $2400

  • Exercises to expand your learning and growth.

    Value: $1000

  • Fire It Up Manual.

    Value: $100

  • Onboarding session

    Value: $500

  • Facebook group support

    Value: $500

  • Included workshop inclusion for six months:

    Value: $1200

  • Bonus exercises

    Value: $600

Total Value: $6500

Investment:$1997 (Paid in full)

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get access to when I join?

You will immediately be given access to the facebook group with resources and exercises to begin your work. You are invited into the course area, where all the material to orient you to the program is located. A guided questionnaire to work on together provides an opportunity to get clear on your goals and needs. Your bonuses will begin delivery to you and will arrive throughout the course.

FAQ image

What if I don't finish in time?

You have access to the course lessons for 6 months. The workbooks and exercises are yours to keep forever. You get to work at your own pace and remain in the community for 6 months. While the live sessions are weekly, you have access to the recordings for the entire time you are in the program, so you can do it at your own pace. 

Do we have to use all the parts of the program?

The program supports are designed to support different types of couples and individual learners in different ways. You get to decide which parts your relationship needs. Carolyn will support you in determining which supports to use. At certain points you may want more, and at other times use less. No one is required to use everything!

FAQ image

What are the course dates? And the times of the classes?

The course is self-paced and you can watch it at your convenience. Each new lesson unlocks when you complete the previous ones. The live Q and A's will be Thursdays at 6 pm PST. You will get at least 3 meetings per month over the 6 months.

What if I have a vacation during the course?

The sessions will all be recorded and you can watch them at your own pace. Once you watch a video, the homework for that session will be available to you.

Is it worth the investment?

I think it depends on what you value, and what is important to you. Obviously, I don’t want anyone going into debt to buy this program, but I think investing in your relationship is the greatest thing you can do for your health. This program is an investment in your time, energy, and resources, and I think one that will pay off in your life if you commit to the process.

What's Included

Weekly Live Q & A

Live on Zoom to create an opportunity to ask questions and get support on the lessons and exercises. The groups will be small and intimate for live coaching. Optional anonymous question pre-submission available.

On Boarding Sessions

Carolyn Sits down with each participant at the start of the program to hear their personal goals and struggles to support their personalized growth.

Lively Active FB Group

Our Facebook Group will be there for you around the clock to ask questions, get ideas, cheer on your peers, and develop a new tribe of people just like you, claiming their share of the coaching industry one brave & ballsy step at a time.

Guided Exercises

Each lesson comes with exercises and worksheets to help you apply the information and deepen your learning. Watch the connection grow with each activity, all in minutes a day. Carolyn reviews exercises to insure growth and learning.

Disclaimer - The material you have read is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to rekindle your marriage.

Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved.

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